Is it difficult to get scuba certified in Fayetteville, NC?

This is by far the most common question we hear when folks consider learning to scuba dive. Whether they are thinking of diving as part of an excursion on a cruise, are curious about the underwater in the Florida Keys, or find the shipwrecks off the North Carolina coast, folks seem to pause because they worry that getting certified is too difficult.

No need to worry, getting scuba certified is NOT difficult at all! As a matter of fact, if you are medically fit you can become a PADI certified Open Water diver at the age of 10-years old!!

If you have basic swimming skills, you can learn to scuba dive. If you think the equipment is too heavy to carry, we can show you how to overcome that. We have even seen people who are afraid of water overcome their fear and become exceptional scuba divers! From young boy/ girl Scouts to retirees, you can learn to dive and see a whole new world!

The PADI Open Water certification process will take you one step at a time to learn how to be a safe and confident diver. It is kind of like how you learned to run. First you learned to crawl, then walk, then run.

Becoming a PADI Open Water diver begins with online learning modules designed to teach you about scuba equipment, basic dive theory, and how to handle various situations. Are you expected to memorize everything taught during eLearning? NO! That is why the second step of the process is for us to reinforce and practice what you learned where you will be comfortable…. in a swimming pool! We will practice assembling and putting on equipment and then you will take your first breaths underwater as we learn how to control our buoyancy, swim, and react to common problems such as water in your mask.

Once you are comfortable and master the skills in the pool, we will be ready for the final step… dive in the open water! We will travel to Fantasy Lake Scuba Park where we will continue reinforcing what you have learned while adding new diving skills… all while fishes swim around us!

Excited yet? Then let’s get started! Learn more about the Open Water diver course by Clicking Here or Contact us to learn more and take the first step in exploring a whole new world!

Feel Alive. Learn to Dive