The “It’s Too Cold to Dive” Checklist

The current 50-degree waters in North Carolina is enough to pause diving for all but the most die-hard (and a bit crazy) scuba divers. Below is our Top dive activities you can do now, despite the cold water. You invested time and money getting certified. Don’t let it go to waste! We look forward to […]

Should I Take a PADI Specialty Course?

Congratulations, you have reached your goal of getting scuba open water certified and you are exploring the underwater world! But why take more scuba training if I am already certified? PADI Specialty courses are a series of dives related to a specific underwater activity. Courses such as Deep Diver, Wreck Diver, Underwater Photography, Enriched Air, […]

My Mask Fogged Up!

As divers we are excited to explore the underwater world. We spend countless hours in training and thousands of dollars on equipment to see the bright colors of tropical fish and reefs, alien looking sea creatures, and mysterious shipwrecks. Nothing can be worst than beginning your dive and have your mask fog and not being […]

Is it difficult to get scuba certified in Fayetteville, NC?

Is it difficult to get scuba certified in Fayetteville, NC? This is by far the most common question we hear when folks consider learning to scuba dive. Whether they are thinking of diving as part of an excursion on a cruise, are curious about the underwater in the Florida Keys, or find the shipwrecks off […]