Scuba equipment is your life support underwater, so it is essential you keep it maintained. Take care of the equipment that is going to take care of you!
Cylinders: Sandhills Scuba offers cylinder visual inspection (required annually), oxygen cleaning, valve servicing/ rebuild, and hydrostatic testing (required every 5-years). Sandhills Scuba’s “concierge service” will even pickup/ delivery our tanks for you!
Annual Visual Inspection (VIP)
Tank tumbling/ cleaning
Tank/ valve O2 cleaning (includes VIP)
Tank valve service/ rebuild
Hydrostatic Test (includes VIP)
Tanks pickup/ delivery
$30 + air/ nitrox fill
$80 + parts & nitrox fill
$40 + parts
$70 + air/ nitrox fill
$20 (Fayetteville)

Regulators: It is important to follow the manufacturers recommendations which is usually annual service by an authorized dealer. Not complying with the manufacturer’s recommended service schedule will usually result in a voided warranty.
SPG Spool/ O-ring replacement
Battery Change
$10 + parts
$10 + parts
BCDs: Your Buoyancy Compensation Device (BCD) should be serviced annually (or more often for heavy use in salt water). Service usually includes a thorough inspection and cleaning, O-ring/ valve replacement.
Inspect & Cleaning
$40 + parts
Call/ test or email to learn more or to schedule your scuba equipment repair/ maintenance.